You need to submit the webpage/URL you want our workers to test. After successful submission, we show a 5 or 7 seconds preview of your webpage to 50 individuals across North America who are among the thousands of microworkers. They get a short survey after the preview to provide the impression they had with your webpage. We collect that information and show them to you in an easily understandable way. You can use this information to get a good frame of reference for how people perceive the webpage you’re having and how you can upgrade that to have improved conversion.
You need to submit the webpage/URL you want our workers to test. After successful submission, we give you a link to show a 5 or 7 seconds preview of the webpage to your testers/friends. They get a short survey after the preview is complete to provide the impression they had with your webpage. You can use this information to get a good frame of reference on how people perceive the webpage you’re having and how you can upgrade that to have improved conversion.